Jesse Ventura offers another edition of his popular ‘Sh*t Politicians Say!’This time, it’s all about the public — and very personal — battle between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush.Both politico heavyweights are gaining attention for their comments on immigration and torture.Watch now to see where Jesse Ventura stands on the issues!Have a question for the Governor?
Brigitta Santos: The 2016 GOP race, the Presidential finish line is well under way and it’s becoming clear that it’s a battle between the two heavy weights, Jeb Bush and Donald Trump. Both have come out swinging making some bold statements on some very contentious issues. Bush for one made headlines recently for stating his “proud of his brother, former President George W. Bush and his torture techniques following the 9/11 attacks.” Bush told an audience of Iowa Republicans “I do think, in general, that torture is not appropriate. It’s not as effective and the change of policy that my brother did and was then put into executive order by the President was the proper thing to do. I also would say that right after 9/11, I mean we were attacked and my brother, and I’m not saying this because I’m a Bush, I’m saying this because I love this country just like everybody in this room. I am proud of what he did to create a secure environment for our country.” He did begin his statement with “When you are President, your words matter.” Do you think Jeb Bush thought this one through before opening his mouth Governor? Saying he’s proud of his brother’s torture techniques and that he wouldn’t rule out torture?
Jesse Ventura: Yeah, obviously he did, it’s not a spur of the moment type thing. He’s obviously thought about it quite a bit I think. Maybe he wasn’t exactly prepared for that question at that point in time, I don’t know. To me this is outrageous. This should disqualify Jeb Bush completely from being the Commander-in-Chief of our military, as well as the president of the United States in my opinion. It is a crime to torture someone you have captured at war. That is a crime. There are no exceptions to a crime. On one hand, he’s saying the general feeling I don’t support torture, but there will be I can see the point that there would be an occasional exception. No, there is not. Torture is torture. I would like to know Jeb, to whom does it fall to determine the exception? You, if you are elected President, will it come into the Oval Office with the name of the prisoner and they’ll lay it all out for you and you’ll make the call to torture? Or will it be done by an underling with the policy that allows it to abused? Whom would you trust to commit a war crime, to order a war crime, other than yourself?
You blame 9/11? You say 9/11 happened, so therefore torturing people was perfectly OK. The world’s greatest generation, I guess, didn’t quite agree with that when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Did we immediately start torturing people that we captured? I hope not, I hope we didn’t commit a war crime after Pearl Harbor. Your brother and Dick Cheney can’t make that statement, because under their administration, the United States did commit war crimes.
I find it astounding that people in this country would accept that. That they are being accepting, that it is OK, after all these are Muslims in the Middle East. Who cares if we torture them or not? When you advocate torture you are putting our people in the service in danger, because if we torture, how can we complain if someone else does? I wonder if we thought the same thing when Russia invades, or when the Nazis invaded or when other people invaded other sovereign nations and tortured people. Oh, that’s right, theirs was different than ours.
Brigitta Santos: Trump on the other hand, continues to expand on his tough immigration stance. He released his new plan which stands for tripling the number of I.C.E. officers of border patrol officers, building a wall and making Mexico pay for it and a mandatory return of all criminal aliens, plus ending birthright citizenship. Thoughts on Trump’s immigration policy Governor, essentially wanting to militarize our border?
Jesse Ventura: Yeah, it is, absolutely. That policy turns us into East Berlin and I would simply ask this question. Is it going to be like Area 51, because when I went and visited Area 51 they have clear signs posted that if you cross this line, that lethal force can be used? I found that astounding. You can be killed for trespassing. Is that going to be at our border? Those signs going up in Spanish and English to explain to anyone that if you cross this border lethal force can be used, in other words we can kill you and not think twice about it?
Remember this all you good American people out there that seem to want this to happen, remember this. Walls are also used in prisons to keep you in and I know you’re probably going to say who would want to leave the United States of America? You might, if we ever fall under Martial Law, might you not? Always remember walls work both ways. They keep people out, but they also keep people in.
Brigitta Santos: One of Trump’s biggest critics is actually Jeb Bush. Jeb, while campaigning at the U.S.-Mexico border stated “Mr. Trump’s plans are not grounded in conservative principles. It will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, it’s not realistic, it won’t be implemented.” Then he says “We need border security to be able to deal with getting this country back on track.” Then he says “Trumps proposal is unrealistic, will violate people’s civil liberties and will cause friction with our third largest trading partner. That’s not necessary and I think he is wrong about this.” Then he added “Mr. Trump is a serious candidate and he ought to be held to what serious candidates need to be held accountable for. His views.”
Jesse Ventura: Wait a minute Brigitta. Mr. Bush says right in this statement that “We need border security to be able to deal with getting this country back on track.” Isn’t what Trump’s offering border security? The guy wants to build a wall and he want to have it guarded probably with the death penalty if you cross it. You are telling us we need border security to get the country back on track, but then the rest of your statement is I think it’s going to violate civil rights, I think it’s going to do all these other horrible, cause friction with our third largest trading partner. That is not necessary.
Mr. Bush, what’s the alternative? How do you have it both ways? How do you have border security and how do you then have, not offend Mexico and cause friction and violate civil liberties? For Jeb Bush to even comment without offering a solution is typical of these politicians. They all criticize each other for whatever stance they have, but when it comes to offering a solution, notice how mum they stay on that, because they don’t want to be criticized for their solution. In this case Jeb Bush is saying one thing and doing the other. This is a hypocritical statement. He’s telling us we need border security to get back on track, but he’s saying if you do it, it’s going to violate all these principles, which isn’t.